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*) The link to the webinar will be sent after registration by sending a calender invitation.

Purigen Ionic® System Highlights

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  • Higher Yield, Higher Quality and Better Data
    3.5x more DNA and 2x more RNA from FFPE (on average)
  • No Beads, Columns, or Fixed Surfaces
    Less fragmentation and no risk of contamination from beads or wash solvents
  • No Bias Towards Length or GC Content
    Extract targeted nucleic acid regardless of fragment length or GC content
  • Efficient Workflow and Simple Lysis
    Deparaffinize, lyse, and de-crosslink FFPE in a single reaction without using harsh chemicals
Download the Webinar Invitation Flyer


We would like to invite everyone interested in extracting RNA and DNA from FFPE samples.

Your participation is free of charge. In order to register for the event please complete the form below or simply give us a call (phone +41 61 269 1111).

We will confirm your registration by sending the MS Teams invitation. Please note that you do not need a MS Teams license installed, as this webinar will be accessible through the free MS Teams web interface.